The aim of Cui Lab is developing methods of bioinformatics and systems biology to investigate biomedical sciences or provide helps for biologists and medical scientists in their studies. Currently, we focus on developing bioinformatic methods of noncoding RNAs and network pharmacology for complex diseases such as cardiovascular diseases.
We are developing bioinformatics methods and tools for the prediction of RNA (mainly miRNAs, lncRNAs)-disease associations. We are focusing on dissecting the key miRNAs/lncRNAs involved in important and complex diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. According to literature record, we developed the first miRNA-disease database (HMDD, December 2007) and the first computational method (miRNA specificity index, tau) for the prediction of miRNA-disease associations (Lu et al., PLoS ONE 2008), the first lncRNA-disease database (LncRNADisease, June 2012) and the first computational method for the prediction of lncRNA-disease associations (genomic locus based, Chen et al. NAR 2013) in the world.
Address: Department of Biomedical Informatics, Peking University Health Science Center, Xueyuan Rd. 38, Haidian district, Beijing 100191
E-mail (To Yuan Zhou):
E-mail (To Qinghua Cui):