
IntiCom-DB: Database of Inter-tissue Communication Molecules and Routes

Welcome to IntiCom-DB


Inter-tissue communication (ITC) is critical to various physiological processes like metabolic regulation, immunity, behavior control, and is closely related to the pathological mechanisms of complex diseases including but not limited to cancers, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndromes and cardiovascular disease.

Here we manually surveyed 223,195 reports in the literature and identified 1,927 ITC entries, which were experimentally supported from 1,428 publications. Based on these data, IntiCom-DB, a database of ITC molecules was established.

Currently, IntiCom-DB covers 1,191 protein entries with 339 proteins, 424 RNA entries with 260 RNAs, 208 metabolite entries with 88 metabolites plus 104 exosome entries in which the specific molecules have not been identified.

For each molecule, IntiCom-DB provides its source and target tissues, and the related descriptions of ITCs in literature. Besides, expression and interaction characteristics of the ITC molecules have also been annotated and visualized in IntiCom-DB for the future bioinformatics-assisted explorations of novel ITCs.


2022-09-22:IntiCom-DB 1.0 was online.
2023-04-20:IntiCom-DB 1.1 was online with adding experimental method information.
2023-11-17:IntiCom-DB 1.2 was online with adding local effect information.
2024-01-12:IntiCom-DB 1.3 was online with data update.

Source Tissues
Target Tissues
Molecular Type

For the convenience of downstream researches, Inticom-db related data (.csv format) can be download below:

Basic information of inter-tissue communication molecules: Download (28KB, csv)
Protein tissue specificity score: Download (1.9MB, csv)
RNA tissue specificity score: Download (2.1MB, csv)
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) (PICKLE 3.0): Download (2.6MB, csv)
Protein expression: Download (1.9MB, csv)
RNA expression: Download (2.0MB, csv)

Submit new entries to the database!

  Molecule Name*

  Standard Symbol



  Source Tissue*

  Source Cell

  Target Tissue*

  Target Cell


   PMID/Reference link*

EVs-related*:   YES   NO

Molecule Type*:   Protein   RNA   Metabolite   Exosome  

Function Description* (limited to 500 words)

Your email  

Click here to     or  

Inter-tissue communication entry Browse,  Search and Submit are the main functions provided by IntiCom-DB.
All browsing and query results in IntiCom-DB are displayed in IntiCom-DB Table.
The detailed communication information for each entry is displayed in IntiCom-DB Entry Detail page.

IntiCom-DB Browse

The Browse page is displayed as follows.
1. Click the BROWSE item on the navigation bar to enable the Browse Page.
2. Click one of the four buttons: PROTEIN, RNA, METABOLITE and EXOSOME to browse the corresponding type of inter-tissue communication entries.

Users can query specific interested inter-tissue communication entries by quick search or advanced search.

Quick Search

1. Input an interested communication molecular name in the Quick Search Box of the navigation bar, and then press the Enter key to launch the search task.
2. All inter-tissue communication entries which involve the inputted molecule will be listed in the Quick Search Result Page.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page is displayed as follows.
1. Click the SEARCH item on the navigation bar to enable the Advanced Search Page.
2. Select one or more source tissues. The textbox supports fuzzy queries. Click the Select All button to select all source tissues, while clicking the Deselect All button to deselect all selections.
3. Select one or more target tissues.
4. Select one or more inter-tissue communication molecular types.
5. Click the Search button to launch the search task. All entries matching the query criteria will be listed in the table below.

IntiCom-DB Table

All browsing and query results in IntiCom-DB are displayed in the table below.
1. All entries are listed with basic information including Molecular Name, PMID, Source Tissue, Source Cell, Target Tissue and Target Cell. Click the column name to sort the table.
2. The inter-tissue communication molecular name. Click Molecular Name link to browse the detailed information of the corresponding entry.
3. The PubMed ID of reference literature in which the entry was found. Click the PMID link to view the corresponding publication in the NCBI database.
4. Brief entry information.
5. Total amount of entries and number displayed per page.
6. Click to turn the page.
7. Click to refresh the table and toggle views.

IntiCom-DB Entry Detail

The Entry Detail page is displayed as follows, in which you can get detailed communication information for each entry.
1. Click Molecular Name link to get more detailed information about the molecule in external databases (GeneCards for proteins; miRbase, NONCODE, cicrBase and piRBASE for RNAs; HMDB for metabolites).
2. Whether the communication molecule is delivered by exosome and the molecular type.
3. The species and disease/condition in which the entry was found.
4. The function annotation of the entry.

Protein Entries Detail

For each inter-tissue communication protein, you can get more information about its protein and RNA tissue specificity (TS) scores, as well as relative protein and RNA expression level of its partners in the Entry Detail page.
1. TS scores of the inter-tissue communication protein in source and target tissues. Move on the bar to view corresponding TS scores.
2. Protein-protein interaction network of the communication protein. Move on the nodes to view relative protein and RNA expression level in source and target tissues of the partners.
3. Partners relative protein and RNA expression level in source tissues (A maximum of 15 partners are displayed). Move on the bar to view corresponding value.
4. Partners relative protein and RNA expression level in target tissues (A maximum of 15 partners are displayed). Move on the bar to view corresponding value.
5. Partners relative protein expression level in all tissues.
6. Partners relative RNA expression level in all tissues.

IntiCom-DB Submit

The Submit page is displayed as follows.
If researchers want to incorporate their newly discovered ITC entries into IntiCom-DB, or want to supplement the known ITC entries that are missing from the current database, they can fill in the details of the corresponding ITC entries in the text box of the Submit page.
To ensure that users submit as complete information as possible, the text boxes marked with an asterisk (*) is required. After manual review, the information submitted by users will be added to IntiCom-DB.